
Upcoming Events

Ark Encounter & Creation Museum

TBA (tentative due to Covid-19 precautions)
Located in the beautiful state of Kentucky, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum are incredible sites to see. Many single ladies would like to go see them but would not go alone, so we decided we would host a trip to go together!

Due to Covid-19 precautionary measures all around, dates for this event are currently on hold. We were originally planning for early summer. As soon as things become more calm and flexible, we will solidify dates for this event!

To make the trip easier, SOH admins manage carpools from different states to ride in together. If you are interested, however, please contact us, and we will be sure to stay in touch!

"Fall"entines Get-Together

October 23rd - October 24th, 2020
Hosted by the gracious Crossroads Baptist Church (Pastor & Mrs. Mark Suever) in Shipshewana, Indiana... SOH returns to the home of it's first true gathering!

Based off of our February “Gal"entines event earlier this year, it will be a great time of wholesome fun, creating friendships, and a refreshing get-a-way from the norm; and if ever there were a year to break away, this might be the one!

Cost: $20.00 - What a blessing!!! 

This will include a corn maze, dinner & breakfast. Free lodging is available for the first 16 RSVPs. Local hotel rooms will be coordinated for any ladies exceeding the first 16 RSVPs. Prepare to bring extra funds for light shopping.

FRIDAY 5:00PM - Meet at the corn maze dressed in modest costume for extra fun!
Shipshewana Corn Maze
505 N Morton St, Shipshewana, IN

Ireland & Scotland Missions Trip

TBA (tentative for 2021 due to Covid-19 precautions)
SOH seek to join Pastor Jim Green on a foreign missions trip to Scotland and Ireland. We would be serving at an annual missionaries' camp meeting, where missionaries from all across Europe come together for a week of fellowship and refreshment. We would helping with the nursery, kid's activities and meals - lifting a burden off the missionary wives so they enjoy the meeting more.

Our afternoons would be free to sight-see castles and go shopping.

Details are tentative upon foreign policies and rule in place for 2021, but we ask of those that are considering going next fall, to be mindful in preparing $2000.00. This amount will cover flights, room and board, camp meeting food costs, and love offerings to our fellow missionaries.
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