We are a community of single
women developing a heart
that focuses on God and service to others. Singleness of Heart (SOH) is a comfortable place where we encourage
each other, laugh together, pray together, cry together, share soulwinning tips and go on missions trips and retreats.
We are single women praying
for God's direction in our lives and for strength to do what He has for us to do. Is God's will for us marriage? Children? Professional careers? Church ministry? Missions service? Will these things happen soon? Or take a while? How long do I have to wait? What do I do now?
Our motto is "Don't waste the wait!" All that we are guaranteed today
is that we are single. Let's not waste the valuable time that God has ordained for us to do what He purposes today. Join us now in
singleness of heart
as we serve the Lord
This ministry is offering help to ladies who have a desire to serve God but become tired of "waiting." So about 2015, Joanna (Green) Snyder started
a Facebook group
that is still a thriving part of our community. It is a "secret" group that you can only get into by invite only! Our admins approve who joins our group and typically send a personal message to every new member saying, "Hello" and explaining our standards, objectives and upcoming events.
This isn't a group for "crying, and whining, and being lonely" ;-) We are here to encourage each other! The women in our group are of
all ages and stages of singleness. Entrance age is graduated from high school then we have college girls to divorcees, single mothers, widows, etc. As of Spring 2020, we have a community of over 450 unmarried women from 20+ countries around the world and all 50 United States. We hear all the time how nice it is to know that
you are not alone! Hundreds of friendships
have been formed, and many events bring us together.
Ultimately, the goal is to serve God while you wait and to not get so lonely that you can't stand it anymore and settle. That's why we're here! Get yourself a "Single Bucket List" and check it off before the Lord changes your world. We have retreats, conferences, missions trips, prayer meetings, social media challenges, and fun get-togethers, etc!
All in all... we would love for any single lady of like-minded faith who desires to serve the Lord to be a part of our community! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us
Colossians 3:22
"Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh;
not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:"